Using Redux with Binding.scala
Using Principles and Ideas of Redux with Binding.scala.
This blog is about Redux and Binding.scala. If you don’t know them please check these intros first:
I used Redux in a Polymer/ Typescript project and I really liked it. So I wanted to use it in my Binding.scala projects as well.
Principles of Redux
Let’s go through the Redux principles and see how I implemented it (if possible) in scala-adapters with Binding.scala.
Single Source of Truth
The state of your whole application is stored in an object tree within a single store.
I have a Singleton UIStore that holds all the required state.
object UIStore extends Logger {
val uiState = UIState()
State is Read Only
The only way to change the state is to emit an action, an object describing what happened.
The UIStore is responsible for all state changes. So if a component wants to change a state it calls a dedicated function of the store.
object UIStore extends Logger {
val uiState = UIState()
protected def clearLogData() {
info("UIStore: clearLogData")
protected def addLogReport(logReport: LogReport) {
info(s"UIStore: addLogReport")
uiState.logData.value ++= logReport.logEntries
protected def addLogEntry(logEntry: LogEntry) {
info(s"UIStore: addLogEntry ${logEntry.level}: ${logEntry.msg}")
uiState.logData.value += logEntry
This is maybe the weakest point in my implementation.
As the components can read the state (UIStore.uiState
it’s only a convention that they will not change the state directly (which is possible with Binding.Var
and Binding.Vars
This is how the state looks like:
case class UIState(logData: Vars[LogEntry] = Vars[LogEntry]()
, isRunning: Var[Boolean] = Var(false)
, filterText: Var[String] = Var("")
, filterLevel: Var[LogLevel] = Var[LogLevel](LogLevel.INFO)
, lastLogLevel: Var[Option[LogLevel]] = Var[Option[LogLevel]](None)
, logEntryDetail: Var[Option[LogEntry]] = Var[Option[LogEntry]](None)
Use Pure Functions for Changes
To specify how the state tree is transformed by actions, you write pure reducers.
protected def addLogReport(logReport: LogReport) {
info(s"UIStore: addLogReport")
uiState.logData.value ++= logReport.logEntries
This is not the case here as the update function mutates the state.
Three Pillars of Redux
Let’s compare it to a standard implementation of Redux.
As seen above we use also a singleton Store (object UIStore
gives you the state. Here we have the next big difference:
- In Redux the State is evaluated and created with each change.
- With Binding.scala we only change the value(s) of the
So this object (reference) does not change (only its values).
As with Scala.js everything is type safe, I saw no sense to create actions that the components could dispatch.
Instead the UIStore
provides for each change-Action a dedicated function, like:
protected def addLogReport(logReport: LogReport) {
info(s"UIStore: addLogReport")
uiState.logData.value ++= logReport.logEntries
The only disadvantage I see is that the Logging is needed in each function
(not just in one dispatch
Here we just bind the values we are interested in.
val logData = uiState.logData.bind
According to Binding.scala this is handled automatically.
As mentioned with dispatch
, my Actions are concrete functions.
We could say that the dispatch-function and the reducer-functions are merged into change-functions.
But as mentioned they are not pure.
With Scala.js (type-safe) and Binding.scala (data-binding) the Redux framework can be reduced quite a lot.
Or in other words: We can use some of the principles and implementation ideas of Redux.
Two points that would be nice:
- ensure that the components cannot modify the state
- having a log filter that log the changes in a generic way
Let me know if you see improvements or mistakes in my thinking!
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