
Use this to add Company specific DMNTester stuff like the configuration of the projects within the Company.

The following structure is generated by ./helperCompany.scala init:

         | main/resources
         | main/scala/company/dmn
         |                     | CompanyDmnTester.scala          
         | test/scala/company/dmn       


The Company's base class to generate the DmnTester Configurations and start the Docker image.

Example (generated by ./helperCompany.scala init):

package mycompany.camundala.dmn

trait CompanyDmnTester extends DmnTesterConfigCreator:

  override def starterConfig: DmnTesterStarterConfig =
    DmnTesterStarterConfig(companyName = "mycompany")

end CompanyDmnTester


You can customize the DmnTester Configuration.

  companyName = "valiant",
  dmnPaths = Seq(localDmnPath)

Default Config

Except for the companyName all other values are optional and preconfigured, and should not be adjusted.

Especially the dmnPaths might change in the future.

// the name of the container that will be started
containerName: String = "camunda-dmn-tester",
// path to where the configs should be created in
dmnConfigPaths: Seq[os.Path] = Seq(
  projectBasePath / "03-dmn" / "src" / "main" / "resources" / "dmnConfigs"
// paths where the DMNs are (could be in different places)
dmnPaths: Seq[os.Path] = Seq(
  projectBasePath / "src" / "main" / "resources"
// the port the DMN Tester is started - e.g. http://localhost:8883
exposedPort: Int = 8883,
// the image version of the DMN Tester
imageVersion: String = "latest"