Create Project


Make sure you have setup the company project.

Creating a Project is done in two steps:

  1. Create the project directory and the Helper Script.
  2. Run the Helper Script to create the project structure.

Here we focus on the first step.

  1. We can use the same helperCompany.scala script, we created in the Init Company step.

    cd ~/dev-mycompany
    ./helperCompany.scala project myProject

    This creates:

      |  projects
      |    |  myProject
      |    |    |  helper.scala
      |    |    |  PROJECT.conf
  2. Make helper.scala executable:

    cd ~/projects/myProject
    chmod +x helper.scala
  3. Open the mycompany-myProject directory with your IDE (I use Intellij).

  4. Adjust the PROJECT.conf to your needs.

projectName: mycompany-myProject
projectVersion: 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT
subProjects: [
  // subProject1
  // subProject2
dependencies: [
  // example-helper
  // example-accounts

If you haven't released company-camundala yet, you need to run it at least locally (sbt publishLocal) and set the version in the helper.scala manually.

//> using dep mycompany::mycompany-camundala-helper:VERSION NOT FOUND 
// replace with:
//> using dep mycompany::mycompany-camundala-helper:0.1.0-SNAPSHOT

Next Step: Project Development