
Use this to add Company specific Simulation stuff like the configuration of the auth method.

The following structure is generated by ./helperCompany.scala init:

         | main/resources
         | main/scala/company/simulation
         |                     | CompanySimulation.scala          
         | test/scala/company/simulation       


The Company's base class to run the Simulations.

Example (generated by ./helperCompany.scala init):

package mycompany.camundala.simulation

import camundala.simulation.custom.*

 * Add here company specific stuff, to run the Simulations.
trait CompanySimulation extends BasicSimulationDsl:

  override def config =
    super.config //TODO Adjust config if needed

end CompanySimulation


You can customize the Simulation Configuration.


Default Config

  // define tenant if you have one
  tenantId: Option[String] = None,
  // the Camunda Port
  // there are Requests that wait until the process is ready - like getTask.
  // the Simulation waits 1 second between the Requests.
  // so with a timeout of 10 sec it will try 10 times (retryDuration = 1.second)
  maxCount: Int = 10,
  // REST endpoint of Camunda
  endpoint: String = "http://localhost:8080/engine-rest",
  // you can add authentication with this - default there is none.
  // see BasicSimulationDsl / OAuthSimulationDsl for examples
  authHeader: B => B = (b: B) => b,
  // the maximum LogLevel you want to print the LogEntries.
  logLevel: LogLevel = LogLevel.INFO


We provide at the moment the following authentication methods:

Basic Authentication

import camundala.simulation.custom.*

trait CompanySimulation extends BasicSimulationDsl:

  override lazy val username = sys.env.getOrElse("CAMUNDA_USER", "demo")
  override lazy val password = sys.env.getOrElse("CAMUNDA_PASSWORD", "demo")

You can override the username and password to use your credentials, default is demo/demo.

OAuth2 Authentication

import camundala.simulation.custom.*

trait CompanySimulation extends OAuthSimulationDsl:

  lazy val fsso: Fsso = Fsso(
      "grant_type" -> "password",
      "client_id" -> "bpf",
      "client_secret" -> fssoClientSecret,
      "username" -> fssoUser,
      "password" -> fssoPassword,
      "scope" -> "fcs"
  private lazy val fssoBaseUrl = sys.env.getOrElse("FSSO_BASE_URL", "http://host.lima.internal:8090")

Here you have to provide the FSSO configuration.