Custom Controller

Create and use a Custom Controller.

The example is based on DemoResultController from scala-adapters.

By default no Play-Controller is needed. When does it make sense to create a Custom Controller:

  • More simple or semantic URLs.
  • Provide functionality that is not related to Job Processing.


  • You have created the project with scala-adapters-g8.
  • You have your Custom Page ready (custom-page).
  • A basic understanding of Play Controller and -Routes (see Play).

Create a Controller

We will create a Controller to provide the custom-page on the root URL http://localhost:9000.

class GetStartedController @Inject()(jobController: JobCockpitController
                                     , cc: ControllerComponents
                                     , val config: Configuration)
                                    (implicit val ec: ExecutionContext)
  extends AbstractController(cc)
    with AdaptersController {

  // delegate the index file to the defaultCustomPage
  def index: Action[AnyContent] = jobController.defaultCustomPage()


Add the Routing

Let’s add the Route in conf/routes:

# Here are the custom paths. By default none are needed.
GET        /        server.GetStartedController.index

# Reuse the routes from the ADAPTERS project
->         /        adapters.Routes

Now we use for / our Controller, everything else is still delegated to the adapters.Routes.

Check Result

Running the Project and running the Job, should give you now your Custom page on http://localhost:9000.