Manual Deployment

How to deploy the scala-adapters Project to a local server.

Everything is standard Play, so please check Play if you have troubles.

For Development

All is needed, is to open the sbt console and run it.

>run -Dconfig.file=server/conf/demo.conf

If you have special configurations for your development environment you can add it, with -Dconfig.file=server/conf/demo.conf.

This will incrementally compile the code if you made changes.

For Production

Create Package

  • sbt dist will create a ZIP PROJECT_DIR/server/target/universal/
  • Extract this ZIP on your server.

Deployed Projects

The following diagram displays how a deployment of 2 projects looks like.

Local Environment

As each Project runs as its own process on its own port, a Reverse Proxy is needed in the setup.

Run it

In the extracted file structure (./bin), you find 2 starting scripts:

  • PROJECT_NAME-server for Linux Environment.
  • PROJECT_NAME-server.bat for Windows Environment.

These start scripts were created by sbt dist command (Play plugin).

Environment variables

You can adjust the environment variables in ./conf/application.ini which will be taken by the script.

For windows - some changes are needed! We added for that a ./conf/windows-install.bat in scala-adapters-g8 to do these changes. Be aware this is not yet tested und you need to adjust it a bit!


If you have an Heroku account, you can create Procfile in the projects root directory:

web: server/target/universal/stage/bin/PROJECT_NAME-server -Dhttp.port=${PORT}

After git push you run git push heroku master to publish the changes to Heroku.

With heroku open you will see the result in the browser.